Desvendando a Natureza: Aplicativos para Identificação de Plantas - Vorptek

Uncovering Nature: Applications for Plant Identification


Nature is a vast and diverse world, filled with an impressive variety of plants.

For many of us, identifying plants can be a challenge, especially when we are not experienced botanists.


Fortunately, modern technology has come to our aid with a host of apps that make plant identification easier than ever.

In this article, we'll explore some of the best plant identification apps available today, as well as their benefits and how they're helping connect people with nature.


1. PlantSnap

PlantSnap is a popular app that uses artificial intelligence to identify plants from photos. Simply take a photo of an unfamiliar plant, upload it to the app, and within seconds you will receive detailed information about the plant in question. PlantSnap has an extensive plant database and continues to learn and improve as more people use it.

Download now: Android | iOS

2. iNaturalist

iNaturalist is a global community of nature lovers who come together to share their wildlife observations. The app allows users to photograph plants and animals and share their identifications. The iNaturalist community, made up of scientists and nature enthusiasts, helps verify and correct identifications, making it an excellent tool for learning about local flora.

Download now: Android | iOS

3. Seek by iNaturalist

Seek is a simplified version of iNaturalist, aimed primarily at beginners and children. This app is especially useful for engaging children and young people in exploring nature and identifying plants and animals. It offers an interactive and educational experience, rewarding users with badges as they make discoveries.

Download now: Android | iOS


O Plantifier é uma plataforma de identificação de plantas que combina o poder da comunidade com a tecnologia. Os usuários podem enviar fotos de plantas desconhecidas e obter ajuda de outros entusiastas da natureza e especialistas em botânica. A comunidade trabalha em conjunto para identificar as plantas de forma precisa, tornando-o um aplicativo valioso para aqueles que desejam aprender e compartilhar conhecimentos.

5. PictureThis

PictureThis is another plant identification app powered by artificial intelligence. It offers an intuitive interface that allows users to take photos of plants and get detailed information about them. The app also offers care tips and information about the plant's geographic distribution, which can be useful for gardeners and gardening enthusiasts.

Download now: Android | iOS

6. Pl@ntNet

Pl@ntNet is a collaborative plant identification platform that allows users to upload photos of unknown plants and contribute to a global database. With an active community of users and experts around the world, Pl@ntNet is a valuable tool for accurately identifying plants.

Download now: Android | iOS

7. LeafSnap

LeafSnap is an app developed in collaboration with academic institutions, including the University of Maryland and the Smithsonian Institution. It focuses on identifying trees through their leaves. Users can take photos of leaves and the surrounding environment to gain information about the specific tree they are observing.

Download now: Android | iOS


With the help of these innovative apps, identifying plants is no longer a challenging task. Whether you're a curious nature lover or an avid gardener, these tools are at your fingertips to unlock the secrets of your local flora. Try some of these apps and dive into the exciting world of botany and plant identification. Remember that exploring nature and sharing information is an integral part of these communities, making the experience even more rewarding. So get out there, explore and discover the beauty of the plants that surround us.


Eduardo Machado

I'm the one who keeps an eye on the details, always looking for new topics to inspire and delight my readers.

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